日期:09.02.2019 (六) 時間及地點:1:30pm (香港大學黃克兢平台);3pm (香港大學美術博物館)* * 建議觀眾觀賞兩節演出
Our Audible City
In the fourth work of his ongoing series, “Atlas”, Charles Kwong revisits the ritualistic aspect of music, offering a different kind of listening experience through creating connections between music, past events and particular spaces.
The performance of “Atlas 4” will take place at The University of Hong Kong in two parts. In the first part, performers will gather in front of the Pillar of Shame at the Haking Wong Podium; part two will take place inside the University Museum and Art Gallery. The same piece of music will be performed in these two unrelated venues, in an attempt to explore our relationship with space and sound. Musicians from the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble will be joined by the HKU Percussion Ensemble and a community percussion ensemble led by the Gip Percussion Ensemble, to conjure a transformative experience that will open up new perspectives about music and space.
ATLAS 4 Date 09.02.2019 (Sat) Time and Venue: 1:30pm (Haking Wong Podium, HKU); 3pm (University Museum and Art Gallery, HKU)* * Audience members are encouraged to attend both performance sessions
“Atlas” is part of the site-specific project “Our Audible City”, which takes music out of concert halls, creating new musical experiences that directly transform and interfere with the soundscapes of the city. A series of specially curated performances and workshops provide a distinctive listening experience, exploring the relationship and connection between space and the people who inhabit it.
聽得見的城市 Our Audible City
主辦及製作 Presented by Produced by 香港創樂團 Hong Kong New Music Ensemble
教育活動伙伴 Education Programme Partner 聲音掏腰包 soundpocket
作曲及策劃 Composer & Curator 鄺展維 Charles Kwong
協作藝術家 Collaborating Artist 鄧啟耀 Frank Tang Kai Yiu
「聽得見的城市」由何鴻毅家族基金「藝術‧改寫香港」計劃贊助 “Our Audible City” is sponsored by The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation’s “Arts: Transforming Hong Kong” programme
《亞特拉斯・四》場地伙伴 “Atlas 4” Venue Partner 香港大學美術博物館 University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong
音樂創作工作坊協辦伙伴 Music Making Workshop Co-organisers 香港大學音樂系 Department of Music, The University of Hong Kong
篋敲擊樂團 GipPercussion Ensemble