篋敲擊樂團季度課堂 擊薈 陸 GP SummerFest VI
歡迎曾參與敲擊樂團活動之學員再次參與篋敲擊樂團舉辦之季度課程,由陳永業Gip Chan老師帶領樂團季度課程,繼續投入群體敲擊之樂趣!🕺🏻
🕺🏻新會員僅需$400 即可報讀6月份的課程! 💰樂團報名學費優惠❗: 100/lesson x4 (June) *僅限新會員 www.GipPercussion.com 180/lesson x4(June) *曾參與過我們暑期音樂會、擊薈等樂團活動的同學 180/lesson x5 (July) *所有參與者 180/lesson x4 (August) *所有參與者 💡報名須知❗: 1. 方案按月份劃分,且只適用於所選月份的日期。 2. 如欲報名,請進入預訂頁面,選取出席日期,並填寫資料,方選擇所選月份的方案。 3. 擁有方案後,請進入預訂頁面,選取其他出席日期,以完成整月的預訂。 4.如果學生不足三人以上,排練時間可縮短為1小時 5.如使用FPS付款方法,請查看圖片描述並向Whatsapp發送付款記錄,使用信用卡/ Paypal,請直接在網站上付費 🕺🏻 New members can sign up for classes (June)for only $400! 💰 GP registration fee discount ❗ : 100/lesson x4 (June) * New members only www.GipPercussion.com 180/lesson x4(June) * Students who have participated in our summer concert, summer festival and other activities 180/lesson x5 (July) * All participants 180/lesson x4 (August) * All participants 💡 Registration Instructions ❗ : 1. The plan is divided by month and only applies to the date of the selected month. 2. If you want to register, please go to the booking page, select the date of attendance, and fill in the information to select the program of the selected month. 3. After you have the plan, please go to the booking page and select other attendance dates to complete the booking for the whole month. 4.If there are less than three students, the rehearsal time can be shortened to one hour. 5.If using FPS payment , please view the picture description and send a payment screenshot to Whatsapp number. If using credit card/ Paypal, please pay directly on the website
使用時間之三天前 更改/取消 免行政費(一次) ,其餘情況一律收取 $20行政費/次。